We come with a bold and different technique of sexual energy control. A technique extracted from Drunvalo Melchizedek’s books.
The technique comes from ancient Egypt and is a way we can control our sexual energy and accentuate orgasm without losing vitality or, on the contrary, keeping ourselves vital and immortal.
Through this technique, sexual energy is not lost either on the top or on the ground, nor does it destabilize the fields through uncontrolled orgasm.
Through proper orgasm control, we acquire a continuous source of energy through the Ankh cross.
Through this „meditation”, although it is not a meditation, but rather a technique of controlling sexual energy, we make the sexual energy circulate following the shape of the Egyptian cross. Thus, it continues to vibrate throughout the body, vitalize our body and increase the intensity of orgasm.
In the image below we see how the front energy looks to the left and what she looks from the side.
And here we see how this looks from above.

Let’s begin
- When you feel that sexual energy is about to rise and have an orgasm, inhale deeply 90% and hold your breath.
- Raise sexual energy along the spine up to chakra 5 (from the Egyptian system).
- Here it must be moved 90 degrees outwards to the rear, following the form of the Egyptian curse.
- The energy continues the circular path where the chakra 13 meets the Egyptian system (it is at a distance from a palm in the head of the head).
- Continue the rotating motion down through the front and return to the chakra 5 of the Egyptian system.
- All this happens while we hold our breath.
- When sexual energy has turned face to chakra 5, we have to completely inject 100%. So far we have only inspired 90% of the capacity, now we are inspiring the rest of 10%.
- Now is the time to expire very, very slowly, here the sexual energy continues to rotate in the shape of the Egyptian cross throughout the expiration.
- At the end of the expiration, we continue to inspire and expire deeply.
- We have to feel how sexual energy regenerates every cell in the body and gives us physical, emotional and mental health. We must allow ourselves to feel how this orgasm regenerates our entire body and fills each cell.
- We continue to breathe deeply until we relax completely.
It takes time and exercise because in the beginning, sexual energy tends to dissipate up or down. But with time you will feel better and more vigorous through this technique and you will not want to return to the old orgasm.
If you resonate with the technique you can do it, if not, then there is no point in torturing you for nothing.